International call for experiment proposals

RAPP is LABORATORIETs new experiment programme open to all performing arts professionals. The purpose of RAPP is to produce new knowledge, skills and artistic development through practical experiments. To encourage leaps into the unknown, impossible endeavours and searches for new horizons.


Experiment period: 18-28 March, 2014 (each experiment will last 5-10 days within these dates).

Place: Godsbanen, Aarhus

Application deadline: 4 Dec, 2013


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RAPP 2014 – Research in Artistic Practice Programme

Fra eksperiment til succes?

Laboratoriet præsenterer sig på MADE IN AARHUS festivalen tirsdag d. 3. september kl. 14-16 på Godsbanens Åbne Scene. Seminaret: ”Fra eksperiment til succes?” byder på et udvalg af videoer og researchideer fra de seneste års eksperimenter og projekter. Barbara Simonsen og Isabelle Reynaud står for arrangementet. Alle er velkomne.
Billetpris: 50 kr.  Køb billet på:

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Meet our new experiment programme!

RAPP – the Research in Artistic Practise Programme - is our new experiment programme open to all performing arts professionals. The programme is a redefinition of our Open Space concept, which has been running since 2005, where we have chosen experiments among incoming ideas and suggestions on an ongoing basis throughout the year. See: Open Space experiments.

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LABORATORIET inviterer til TEATERBRUNCH på Godsbanen

Mød ILT's gæstekunstnere over søndagsbrunchen: Nullo Facchini, medinstruktør af “Life Live!” (Co-produktion: Cantabile2 & Carte Blanche); Astrid Øye og Kirsten Dehlholm henholdsvis dramatiker og instruktør ”Den der hvisker lyver” (Hotel Pro Forma); Riet Jaeken, producent ved Muziektheater Transparant og Peter De Bie, culinary artist og kunstnerisk leder af Laika begge i og omkring forestillingen “Opera Buffa” og Charlotte Engelkes, instruktør “Fröken Julie - the musical” (Dramaten). 

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New website

Welcome to our new website! We wanted to make it even easier for you to dive into all the material from our experiments and activities. Every experiment since 2005 is documented with a variety of video, reports, articles and/or photos. You can find out more about each experiment in the EXPERIMENTS list (sort them by using the menu on the right) - and you can find the complete list of documentation material in the ARCHIVE. Enjoy! And please don't hesitate to let us know what you think about the site and the functions, and give us your ideas for improvements.

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Laboratoriet at LAB:LAND

Laboratoriet is participating in LAB:LAND at Godsbanen from Feb 25 to April 3, a giant cross-over lab space in Den Rå Hal, with creative productions, events, networking and interdisciplinary collaborations. At Laboratoriet's LAB:LAND province/area you'll find the interdisciplinary project Kamæleonrummet working in a nutshell - and we'll be presenting other interdisciplinary activities and the database Rehearsal Matters.

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Rehearsal Matters præsentation og debat

Laboratoriet fra Entré Scenen i Århus indbyder til præsentation af

Skuespilhuset, Lille Sal, Kvæsthusbroen
Onsdag d. 14. september 2011, kl. 19.30
en digital vidensbank om prøve- og skabelsesprocesser i moderne scenekunst.

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