Cimatica - a Study of the Relation between Sound and Matter

You may have seen it before - sand or salt on a metal plate suddenly moving into precise formations and shapes in response to sound vibrations. These exact formations or patterns are recurrent in nature and human cultures, manifesting an iconographic language carried out through times.

Departing from the very basic and yet fascinating concept that vibrations give life to matter, the Italian theatre company Lifero Bestiario's experiment is a quest to explore how sound vibrations influence and inform the thinking body, and, taking it one step further: Can vibrations also give shape to concepts?


Lifero Bestiario: Luca Marra, Francesca Esposito, Stefiania Spanó, Danila Toralbo, Cristian Sommaiuolo Pastore (ITA).

Facilitators from Laboratoriet: Myriam Mazzoni (S) and Mikkel Stubbe Teglbjærg (DK).

Writer and observer: Daniela Montela (ITA).