Series: Moving Spaces - going places
Our site-specific experiment series. Informal and playful investigations of city spaces, and at the same time a series of 'gifts' to the citizens of Aarhus. A group of local artists have posed themselves a challenge: How can one 'give' a city space to those who already own it - the people who inhabit it, the people who are present in it, pass through it, maybe every day? How can one open the space, make it bigger, more beautiful, more strange, fantastic or fascinating? How is it possible to open or change or move a space so that it invites people in in a new way? Or make them conscious about themselves and the space in a new way, without invading or intimidating the space and its people?
The investigations/ events take place on weekdays, during rush hour, when everything is at its most dull and predictable on an ordinary Wednesday morning at a quarter to eight... They don't happen during festival weeks or culture nights or weekends, when you're expecting them. Or they might be permanent installations in a city space for a period of time. The concepts may be focused on the movement patterns/ speed/ dynamics of a space - or on physical details that might be enhanced, changed, given a story - or on the space and its people as a whole, providing a new presence, new sensations, new attention.